Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)- SABLA
A scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls, whereby the two existing schemes of the Ministry i.e. Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls (NPAG) and Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) are to be merged with content enrichment, has been formulated. This scheme shall called “Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls”. It will replace KSY and NPAG and will be implemented using the platform of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) under the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS).The RGSEAG would aim at empowering adolescent girls alongwith improvement in the nutritional and health status and upgrading various skills like home skills, life skills and vocational skills. An allocation of Rs.3.8 lakh per project per annum is envisaged for the non nutrition component. Apart from this SNP @ Rs.8.50 per beneficiary per day for out of school girls (11-14 years) and all girls of (14-18 years) is being provided. It would be a Centrally-sponsored Scheme implemented through the State Governments with 100 per cent financial assistance from the Central Government for all inputs other than nutrition provision for which the Central assistance to States will be provided to the extent of 50% of the actual expenditure incurred by States or 50% of the cost norms. Scheme is sanctioned for Andaman Distrct.
The aforesaid scheme is approved for South Andaman and North & Middle Andaman District only. There are 11259 beneficiaries enrolled under the scheme.
An amount of Rs. 20.63 lakh under Nutrition Component (50% SNP provision) and Rs. 0.92 lakh under Non-Nutrition Component received from Ministry of W&CD during 2014-15. Out of which an amount of Rs. 21.37 lakh under Nutrition component and Rs. 0.88 lakh under Non-Nutrition component has been utilised upto 31.3.2015.
An amount of Rs. 170.00 Lakh under UT Share has been allotted to SABLA Scheme out of which 170.49 lakh has been utilized under this scheme as on 31.03.2015.
Under SABLA scheme rice/wheat released by Ministry for the use of Nutrition Programme of Adolecent girls. The food grains procured from FCI, Port Blair, at BPL rate of 5.65/kg for rice and 4.15/kg for wheat and the same is lifted by Civil Supplies and distribution to Anganwadi Centres through 4 ICDS projects. The rice/wheat allocation under SABLA receieved from Ministry are given below:


1st Quarter

2nd Quarter     


3rd Quarter

4th Quarter






Allocation received

41 MT

41 MT

41 MT

41 MT