Today: Thursday, 13 Mar 2025

Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Car Nicobar

Dr. Monica Priyadarshini, IAS
District Magistrate Nicobar /Deputy Commissioner

The office of the Deputy Commissioner is situated at the Head Quarter of the District of Nicobar i.e in the Car Nicobar. The office have the Central Control over the District Administration.The office provides numerous developmental activities for the service of people. It also controls all the Tehsils under the District i.e Car Nicobar, Nancowry and Great Nicobar. The administration provides services for the people by organizing itself in a systematic way. District of Nicobar came into existence on 1st of August , 1974. Before this, it was a part of District of Andamans. It is headed by DEPUTY COMMISSIONER stationed at Car Nicobar. The District is having 2 sub-divisions viz. Car Nicobar and Nancowry. The second sub-division has jurisdiction over all islands of the district except Car Nicobar. However, for smooth functioning of the administration, it is divided into three circles under the supervision and control of Assistant Commissioners who work directly under Deputy Commissioner.

Islands Headquarter In-Charge
Car Nicobar Car Nicobar AC(HQ)
Kamorta, Katchal, Nancowry, Trinket,
Chowra, Teressa and Bompooka
Kamorta AC(Nancowry)
Great Nicobar, Little Nicobar, Kondul, Pilobhabhi Campbell Bay AC(Campbell Bay)

All the Assistant Commissioners are Executive Magistrate in the area of their jurisdiction. They are assisted by Tehsildars, BDO's, Extension Officers and Village level workers. They are also the in-charge of departments like Supply, Shipping, Transport etc. in addition to Revenue, Development & Law and order in area of their jurisdiction. The district has been designated as Integrated Tribal District. Deputy Commissioner is the Ex Officio Chairman of Integrated Tribal Development Project (ITDP). The various Poverty Alleviation programme sponsored by Ministry Of Rural development is being implemented through District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), which is also headed by Deputy Commissioner. Deputy Commissioner is also the District Magistrate and District Collector of the district. The district has been notified as a Police district only in the year 1991. Superintendent of Police has been posted here who assists the Deputy Commissioner in maintaining Law and Order.

Activities of District Administration

bulleticon     ITDP : Integrated Tribal Development Project :

Development of the tribal area of the District is being taking place through TSP(Tribal Sub Plan) of all the departments. There is one ITDP being constituted and registered under Societies Registration Act to implement TSPs, coordinate among different departments and coordinate between administration and local public.

ITDP, receives GIA (Grant in Aid) from the Govt of India to invest in the development activities that are demanded in the District. The project is fulfilling gap of legalized PRI in Tribal areas of the District.

ITDP works : C/o Office buildings for Tribal Council, Multipurpose Gymnasium, Basket Ball Court, Information Center, Renovation of Vocational Training Center, Bus Shelter, Pucca Walls, Dormantry for attendants of patients in the District Hospital, Modification Renovation and repair of Community Hall, Renovation of Nicobaries Home.

bulleticon     Maintanence of Law and order :

Law & Order arrangements and Public-safety. Discharging other functions under Sections 107, 133, 144 etc. in the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973.

bulleticon     Disaster Management :

Formulation of District Disaster Management Plan, Community Based Disaster Management Plan, etc..

Relief & Rehabilitation in case of any disaster in Nicobar District.

bulleticon     Developmental activities:

MPLADS - Member of Parliament Local Area Development Programme for Creation of public utility and services as well as Overall development of the islands

bulleticon     Revenue Functions:

Enforcement of A & N Islands Land Revenue & Land Reforms Regulation, 1966 and A & N Islands Land Revenue & Land Reforms Rules,1968.

All works associated with management and transactions of land like

  • Sub Division of Land.(only Campbell Bay)
  • Sale permission.(only Campbell Bay)
  • set back exception.(only Campbell Bay)
  • correction of revenue records.(only Campbell Bay)

De-Reservation of forest land for various purposes. Acquisition of Land for Public Purpose under Land Acquisition Act, 1894.

bulleticon     Miscellaneous Activities:

  • Court matters
  • Issue of various Certificates like Local Certificate and OBC etc.