Today: Thursday, 13 Mar 2025


Tribal Councils are the traditionally elected body looking after the welfare of the local people. Every village in the tribal area is having a village council headed by 1st captain and who is assisted by 2nd and 3rd captain. The Captains are elected democratically by secret ballot normally for tenure of 4 years. Every island/group of islands is having Tribal Council, which is constituted by the 1st Captains of Village Council falling in their jurisdiction. These 1st Captains do select Chief Captain & Vice Chief Captain of the Tribal Council. At present in Nicobar district, there are seven Tribal councils namely Car Nicobar, Katchal, Nancowry, Kamorta, Teressa, Chowra and Pilobhabi.

Village Council does play an important role in day-to-day life. They are the link between the Local Administration and the tribal people of the island. Now a days, most of the developmental schemes are being implemented through them only.
