Nicobar district is connected to Port Blair with ship as well as air. Car Nicobar the district head quarter is 250 kms. away from Port Blair. Nicobar district (except Campbell Bay) is a restricted area. Any one who is interested in visiting this district would require obtaining a LANDING PERMIT from the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Andaman District. (03192-237825,232763).
Ship service is available between Port Blair and Nicobar district. Normally ship is available twice in a week. One can obtain the ship ticket from the office of the Director, Shipping services (03192-245555) at Port Blair.
PAWAN HANS Helicopter Limited has started the inter-island helicopter service in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands from 2nd June 2003. One can reserve the tickets for PAWAN HANS from the office of the Director, Civil Aviation. (03192-230480.). Helicopter goes to Nicobar district from Port Blair as per the schedule detailed below: